; Using OpenAI as the provider
:provider "openai"
; OpenAI options
:openai {
; Set the Base URL (Groq, in this case)
:url "https://api.groq.com/openai/v1"
; Set the model (Llama3 70B, in this case)
:model "llama3-70b-8192"
; Ollama options
:ollama {
; The Ollama API URL
:url "http://localhost:11434"
; Set the Ollama model name
:model "mistral"
; Git options
:git {
; Enable Git signing (only for hooks)
; For normal usage, add "-s" to :pass instead
:sign true
; Enable hooks
; When enabled, it checks for --as-hook
; And if it specified stores the generated message to .cts/msg
; You can then do, cat ".cts/msg > $1
; You should then clean that message file (it's recommended to add this file to .gitignore)
:hooks true
; Additional arguments to pass to Git (only applicable when running outside a hook)
; they would be added as-it-is
:pass "-s"
; Cts options
:cts {
; Select from a list of 5 generated messages
:list true
; Automatically commit without prompting (can't be used with :list)
:force false
; Add gitmoji
:gitmoji true
; Types to select from
:types [
; Show the cost of the request, and confirm that before making the request
:fee true
; The commit message template
; {GIT_BRANCH} - the placeholder for the current Git branch
; {COMMIT_MESSAGE} - the placeholder for the generated commit message
:template "[{GIT_BRANCH}]: {COMMIT_MESSAGE}"
; Set your preferred language
:language "english"
; Gitmoji mapping for each commit type
; Note: older version of Cts came with some pre-defined gitmoji mappings
; But it no longer does, as of v4.0.0
; Example:
; :docs "📝"
:gitmoji {
:feat "✨"
:fix "🚑"
:docs "📝"
:style "💄"
:refactor "♻️"
:test "✅"
:chore "🔧"
Taken from